0-99 Advanced Placement Credit; House Courses; First-Year Seminars; First-Year Writing; Registrar/Department special purpose
100-199 Introductory-level undergraduate courses; basic skills/activity courses; foundation courses; Focus program courses
200-399 Undergraduate courses above introductory level
400-499 Advanced undergraduate, senior seminars, capstone courses, honors thesis courses
500-699 Graduate courses open to advanced undergraduates
700-999 Graduate only courses (not open to undergraduates)
To see courses offered during a specific semester, please visit DukeHub and select “Class Search”.
Number | Title | Codes | Notes |
THEATRST 89S | First-Year Seminar | Spring 2025 Topic: "Investigating Adaptation" | |
THEATRST 109 | How Musicals Work | ALP | Previously numbered THEATRST 209 and titled "Dramatic Forms of Musical Theater" or "How Musicals Work." This course can fulfill a Gateway credit or an Area 2 credit for the Theater Studies major, but not both. It satisfies a theory course in the Musical Theater Minor. |
THEATRST 110 | Basics of Acting: Public Speaking & Media | CCI, ALP | Effective Summer 2025, this course will be titled "Finding Your Voice: Speech, Rhetoric and Story." |
THEATRST 110S | Finding Your Voice: Speech, Rhetoric and Story | ||
THEATRST 141 | The Hollywood Musical: Singing and Dancing the American Dream | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 145S | Acting | CCI, ALP | Please note that THEATRST 145S Acting can satisfy either the Gateway requirement of the Theater Major, or its Area 1: Acting, Directing requirement, but not both. |
THEATRST 187A | Reading Theater in New York | CCI, ALP, CZ | Please note that 187A Reading Theater New York can satisfy an Area 2 or Gateway requirement, but not both. |
THEATRST 187S | Reading Theater | CCI, ALP, CZ | 187S Reading Theater (and its New York-based version, 187A Reading Theater in New York) can be taken as an Area 2 or Gateway class, but not both. |
THEATRST 190FS | Focus Program Special Topics | ||
THEATRST 198FS | Performing Science: Experimentation, Collaboration, and Artistry | R, STS, ALP | |
THEATRST 199FS | Knowing Through Performance | R, W, ALP, SS | |
THEATRST 201S | American Musicals | ALP | Previously numbered THEATRST 125S. |
THEATRST 202 | Introduction to Performance Studies | CCI, W, ALP | |
THEATRST 203A | The Arts, Culture, and Performance of New York | CCI, ALP | New Cross-List Fall 2024: JAM 392A-10 |
THEATRST 205A | Internship in New York | New Cross-Lists Fall 2024: DANCE 205A, ENGLISH 314A, JAM 392A-20 | |
THEATRST 206SA | Duke in New York: New York, New York | W, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 211 | Musical Theater Workshop: Performance | ALP | |
THEATRST 214 | Internship in New York | ||
THEATRST 214A-1 | Internship in New York | ||
THEATRST 219S | Production Management for Theater | ALP | |
THEATRST 220SA | Korea in Performance: Global Culture and Soft Power | CCI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 221 | Manifesto Workshop: Climate Change, Afro-/Solar Punk, and Performance | CCI, EI, ALP | New Course Fall 2023 |
THEATRST 222 | Shakespeare | EI, W, ALP | |
THEATRST 223S | Modern German Theater and Drama | CCI, FL, ALP | |
THEATRST 224 | Sport As Performance | CCI, ALP | New Course Fall 2023 |
THEATRST 225S | Transformative Ideas: Power, Theater, and Politics | CCI, ALP | Transformative Ideas courses are typically offered in fall semesters. |
THEATRST 226S | World Building for the Theater | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 227 | Drama of Ancient Rome | CCI, ALP, CZ | Primary to Classical Studies |
THEATRST 229 | Stage Management | CCI, ALP | New Course Fall 2023 |
THEATRST 230 | Drama of Ancient Greece | ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 231 | Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement | EI, R, SS | |
THEATRST 232S | Asian American Theater | CCI, ALP | New Cross-List HISTORY 293S Effective Fall 2024 |
THEATRST 233 | Dance and Dance Theater of Asia | CCI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 234L | Costume Construction | ALP | Instructor Consent Required Fall 2024 |
THEATRST 235 | Performance Art History and Theory | CCI, EI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 236 | Gender in Dance and Theatre | CCI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 237S | Shakespeare's Nature | EI, ALP | Primary to English |
THEATRST 238 | African American Theater and Performance | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 242S | The Art of Improvising | ALP | |
THEATRST 244S | Musical Shakespeare | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 245 | The Body in Art in Early Modern Europe: Power and Limits of Corporeal Representations | CCI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 246S | Shakespeare Studio | ALP | |
THEATRST 247 | Alexander Technique for Musicians, Dancers, and Actors | ALP | |
THEATRST 249S | Understanding Mediation | CCI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 250S | Queer Theater, Straight Plays | CCI, ALP | New Course Spring 2024 |
THEATRST 251AS | Duke in London: Arts | CCI, ALP | Students enroll in one course, offering one Duke credit. No pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory options or auditing are permitted for the course. The course may count towards major requirements in the English Department and the Department of Theater Studies (Theater Studies Major Area 2). |
THEATRST 252FS | Performance and Citizenship in Asian America | CCI, EI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 255S | Directing | ALP | Instructor Consent Required |
THEATRST 261S | Costume Design | R, ALP | |
THEATRST 262S | Scene Design | R, ALP | |
THEATRST 263S | Lighting Design | R, ALP | |
THEATRST 264S | Puppetry | ALP | |
THEATRST 265S | Modern American Drama | CCI, W, ALP | |
THEATRST 273S | Screenwriting | W, ALP | |
THEATRST 275S | Acting For the Camera | ALP | |
THEATRST 280S | Dramatic Writing | W, ALP | |
THEATRST 281S | The Dialog Laboratory: Experiences in Group Communication | EI, ALP | |
THEATRST 282S | Writing Movies and Plays: Adaptation | W, ALP | |
THEATRST 283S | Writing about Performance | CCI, R, W, ALP | |
THEATRST 284S | How to Write a Horror Movie | CCI, W, ALP | New Course Fall 2024. Cross-Lists CINE 281S, ENGLISH 223S. ALP, CCI, W. |
THEATRST 285S | Ready for Prime Time: Writing the Dramatic TV Episode | W, ALP | |
THEATRST 290-1 | Special Topics in Dramatic Literature | ||
THEATRST 290S-2 | Special Topics in Acting | Spring 2025: Black Theater Workshop | |
THEATRST 290S-4 | Special Topics in Theater Studies | ||
THEATRST 290S-5 | Special Topics in Arts Management | ||
THEATRST 290S-6 | Special Topics in Film | ||
THEATRST 290S-7 | Special Topics in Dramatic Literature | Spring 2025 Topic "Biography: Page, Stage, and Screen" | |
THEATRST 291 | Independent Study | ALP | Instructor and DUS consent required |
THEATRST 291-1 | Independent Study | Half-credit course | |
THEATRST 309S | Dancing States of Mind: The Self, Social and Political Practice of Dance | R, ALP | |
THEATRST 320S | Movement in Question: Introduction to Critical Dance Studies | CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ | Primary to Dance |
THEATRST 322S | Chekhov | CCI, W, ALP | |
THEATRST 334S | Modern Drama: 1880-1940 | CCI, W, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 335S | Modern Drama: 1940-2000 | CCI, W, ALP | |
THEATRST 336 | Shakespeare through 1600 | EI, R, ALP | |
THEATRST 337 | Shakespeare After 1600 | EI, R, ALP | |
THEATRST 338S | Globalization and Theater | CCI, EI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 341S | The Black Parades: African Diaspora Parade Culture and Radical Resistance | CCI, ALP, SS | |
THEATRST 343S | The Acoustic Image in the Renaissance | CCI, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 345S | Advanced Acting | ALP | Spring 2025 Topic: Movement and Voice for the Stage. The previously catalogued subtitle "Contemporary Texts" will be removed from the course list in January 2025. Prerequisite THEATRST 145S or consent of instructor. |
THEATRST 347S | The Moving and Sounding Body | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 348S | Devised Performance and Physical Theater | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 350-1 | Mainstage Acting (Top) | CCI, R, ALP | Fall 2023 "Twelfth Night" |
THEATRST 350-2 | Mainstage Design and Tech (Topics) | CCI, R, ALP | |
THEATRST 351S | Directing Chekhov | CCI, EI, ALP | |
THEATRST 364 | Performance and Technology: Composition Workshop | STS, ALP | |
THEATRST 371 | Artists in Healthcare: Collaborations and Complexities | CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 374S | Acting for the Camera On Location | ALP | |
THEATRST 375S | Contemporary American Drama | CCI, ALP | |
THEATRST 380S-1 | Playmaking for Writers: Collaboration from Page to Stage | W, ALP | Prerequisite: One dramatic writing course. See DukeHub. |
THEATRST 380S-2 | Playmaking for Actors and Directors: Collaboration from Page to Stage | ALP | Prerequisite: THEATRST 145S or THEATRST 255S |
THEATRST 390S-1 | Special Topics in Directing | ||
THEATRST 390S-2 | Special Topics in Dramatic Writing | ||
THEATRST 390S-3 | Special Topics in Design | This course is paired to THEATRST 590S-3, which is open to graduate student enrollment. In Spring 2025, THEATRST 590S-3 is cross-listed to ARTSVIS 590S.01, CMAC 590S.01, DANCE 590S.01, and MUSIC 590S.01. | |
THEATRST 390S-4 | Special Topics in Performance Studies | ||
THEATRST 390S-6 | Special Topics in Theater History | ||
THEATRST 402S | History of Acting | CCI, R, W, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 425S | Advanced Writing for Stage and Screen | CCI, ALP | Prerequisite |
THEATRST 493-1 | Research Independent Study | R | |
THEATRST 495 | Senior Distinction Project | ||
THEATRST 550S | Black Culture and Performance | CCI, R, W, ALP | open to graduates and advanced undergraduates |
THEATRST 558S | Business Strategies for the Arts and Artists | R | |
THEATRST 561S | Art as Work: Valuing Labor in the Arts | CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ | |
THEATRST 590S-3 | Special Topics in Design | This class is paired to THEATRST 390S-3, which is open to undergraduate enrollment. | |
THEATRST 691 | Independent Study | Instructor and DUS consent required | |
THEATRST 718S | Sound in Cinema: Sonic Theories in Film and Media |