Area 4: Dramatic Writing

Number Title Codes Notes
THEATRST 273S Screenwriting W, ALP
THEATRST 280S Dramatic Writing W, ALP
THEATRST 282S Writing Movies and Plays: Adaptation W, ALP
THEATRST 284S How to Write a Horror Movie CCI, W, ALP New Course Fall 2024. Cross-Lists CINE 281S, ENGLISH 223S. ALP, CCI, W.
THEATRST 285S Ready for Prime Time: Writing the Dramatic TV Episode W, ALP
THEATRST 380S-1 Playmaking for Writers: Collaboration from Page to Stage W, ALP Prerequisite: One dramatic writing course. See DukeHub.
THEATRST 390S-2 Special Topics in Dramatic Writing
THEATRST 425S Advanced Writing for Stage and Screen CCI, ALP Prerequisite