Area 3: Design, Theater Technology

Number Title Codes Notes
THEATRST 219S Production Management for Theater ALP
THEATRST 226S World Building for the Theater CCI, ALP
THEATRST 229 Stage Management CCI, ALP New Course Fall 2023
THEATRST 234L Costume Construction ALP Instructor Consent Required Fall 2024
THEATRST 261S Costume Design R, ALP
THEATRST 262S Scene Design R, ALP
THEATRST 263S Lighting Design R, ALP
THEATRST 264S Puppetry ALP
THEATRST 350-2 Mainstage Design and Tech (Topics) CCI, R, ALP
THEATRST 390S-3 Special Topics in Design This course is paired to THEATRST 590S-3, which is open to graduate student enrollment. In Spring 2025, THEATRST 590S-3 is cross-listed to ARTSVIS 590S.01, CMAC 590S.01, DANCE 590S.01, and MUSIC 590S.01.
THEATRST 590S-3 Special Topics in Design This class is paired to THEATRST 390S-3, which is open to undergraduate enrollment.