Area 1: Acting, Directing

Number Title Codes Notes
THEATRST 145S Acting CCI, ALP Please note that THEATRST 145S Acting can satisfy either the Gateway requirement of the Theater Major, or its Area 1: Acting, Directing requirement, but not both.
THEATRST 211 Musical Theater Workshop: Performance ALP
THEATRST 221 Manifesto Workshop: Climate Change, Afro-/Solar Punk, and Performance CCI, EI, ALP New Course Fall 2023
THEATRST 242S The Art of Improvising ALP
THEATRST 246S Shakespeare Studio ALP
THEATRST 255S Directing ALP Instructor Consent Required
THEATRST 275S Acting For the Camera ALP
THEATRST 290S-2 Special Topics in Acting Spring 2025: Black Theater Workshop
THEATRST 345S Advanced Acting ALP Spring 2025 Topic: Movement and Voice for the Stage. The previously catalogued subtitle "Contemporary Texts" will be removed from the course list in January 2025. Prerequisite THEATRST 145S or consent of instructor.
THEATRST 347S The Moving and Sounding Body CCI, ALP
THEATRST 348S Devised Performance and Physical Theater CCI, ALP
THEATRST 351S Directing Chekhov CCI, EI, ALP
THEATRST 374S Acting for the Camera On Location ALP
THEATRST 380S-2 Playmaking for Actors and Directors: Collaboration from Page to Stage ALP Prerequisite: THEATRST 145S or THEATRST 255S
THEATRST 390S-1 Special Topics in Directing