Duke Players kicks off Orientation Week and the new school year with an edgy and hilarious political comedy, Lauren Gunderson's The Taming. Student director Sophie Caplin has assembled a knock-out cast of talented actresses to tackle this very timely piece. Midnight shows on August 26 & 27 will be followed by 8:00p shows on September 2 & 3 in Brody Theater on East Campus.
Inspired by Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, The Taming features a beauty pageant contestant with political aspirations to revolutionize the American government. Her schemes include forcing one ultra-conservative senator's aide and one bleeding-heart liberal blogger to help her subvert the system.
"A laugh riot with food for thought" - San Francisco Chronicle.
Cast and Crew
Director, Sophie Caplin
Stage Manager, Nancy Merlin
Assistant Stage Manager, Chandler Richards
Meredyth Albright as Katherine, Washington, Martha, Dolly
Morgan Fears as Bianca, Pinckney
Emily Levinstone as Patricia, James Madison
Graphic design by Sophie Caplin
Photography by Dierdre Shipman
Videography by Sylvia Herbold