Written by Nik Narain
Fall, 2024
CW: transphobia, homophobia, racism
- Medha (South Asian American, they/them/he/him) - protagonist, shy, anxious, thoughtful, daydreamy
- Emi (Asian American/multiracial, she/her) - protagonist, confident, sardonic, impatient, assertive
- Rajesh (South Asian, he/him) - Medha’s father, stern, protective, exhausted
- Aryan (South Asian, he/him) - Medha’s arranged partner, arrogant, annoying
- Jerry (he/him) - Emi’s boss/gym owner, tough, kind, caring
- David (white, he/him) - Physics professor, insightful, old
- Ensemble #1 (fluid), including: Student #1, Customer(s), Pharmacist, Host 1, Bartender, Lane, Bargoer 1
- Ensemble #2 (fluid), including: Student #2, Cafeteria Lady, Host 2, Parent, Barista, Aiko, Jenna, Bargoer 2, Receptionist
- Stage Directions
*Note: we may have to double up some roles based on interest
Performance Date
Thursday, 9/12 at 7pm in Brody Theater. Runtime 1 hr 45 mins. Food will be provided.
Rehearsals will be held the week from 9/8-9/11 (time TBD). No acting experience necessary and all acting background appreciated! Note lines do not need to be memorized, nor any blocking memorized as well.
Please direct any questions to Nik Narain at mn260@duke.edu or at 224-600-7152. If you’re interested in reading, please indicate which part(s) you would be comfortable reading, and if you intend on having any scheduling conflicts the week of the 12th. Please send all responses by Sunday 9/1.