Duke In Chicago 2014

Duke In Chicago 2014
The Duke In Chicago 2014 group. 

Below, excerpts from a blog entry from a student who participated in the Duke in Chicago 2014 program. See more of what the students had to say here.

"Our incredible six week artistic and entrepreneurial immersion has been extremely fun, eye-opening, and insightful. When I board my flight to New York on Sunday, I will take lots of small, specific information about the industry away with me, but what about the big picture? Through our guest speakers, our readings, and most importantly our development of Artifical, I have pinpointed the three key takeaways from this explosive summer: 1) the importance of entrepreneurial training in the arts, 2) the paradox of artistic innovation and creating original art in an ensemble, and 3) the complexity of arts management. The takeaways have surprised me for sure, but more importantly, they have inspired me. The arts business is too often negligently brushed under the rug, but upon entering it, I see it for all of its exhilarating worth..."