12 actors play 50 roles in this comedy directed by first-year student Sonali Mehta. Written by A. R. Gurney and set in a single dining room, the 18 scenes focus on different families during different time periods, all owners of the same dining room furniture set, manufactured in 1898. Overall, it tells the story of the dying and relatively short-lived culture of upper middle class WASP Americans, and the transition into a much more efficient society with less emphasis on tradition and more emphasis on progress. Some characters are made fun of, as is the culture itself, but there is also a genuine longing for the sense of stability, comfort and togetherness that the culture provides. Dovetailing swiftly and smoothly, the varied scenes coalesce, ultimately, into a theatrical experience of exceptional range, compassionate humor and abundant humanity. Free admission!
Cast and Production Team
Production Team
Director, Sonali Mehta
Stage Manager, Morgan Fears
Lighting Designer, Ryan Eichanwald
Graphic Designer, Sophie Caplan
Grant Besner (Howard, Nick, Architect, Fred, Gordon, Standish)
Onastasia Ebright (Mother, Psychiatrist, Beth, Bertha)
Ryan Eichenwald (Client, Michael, Billy, Paul, Stuart, Chris, Dick)
Paige Hetley (Agent, Carolyn, Winkie, Claire)
Margot Hasty (Meg, Dora, Ellie, Helen)
Emily Levinstone (Aggie, Old Lady, Aunt Harriet, and Ruth)
Alexus Wells (Mother, Psychiatrist, Beth, Bertha
Devesh Sharma (Father, Grandfather, Jim)
Sabrina Maciariello (Lizzie, Grace, Margery, Kate, Emily)
Stephen DiMaria (Charlie, Brewster, Ben, David)
Maria Naclerio (Annie, Peggy, Nancy, Annie)
Alex Sanfilippo (Arthur, Ted, Tony, Harvey)
Madeline Wilkerson (Sally, Sandra, Sarah)