Dancing in the Bonehouse Opens

Dancing in the Bonehouse Opens

Kelly McCrum opens her adaptation of the novel A Time For Dancing by Davida Wills Hurwin this week. Her play is called Dancing in the Bonehouse and is inspired by personal experience. She says, "as strong as we are, we often forget how fragile we can also be. We take advantage of our bodies until something goes wrong, at which time we are suddenly made aware of the myriad of things our bodies provide. This project started as a ‘what if’ story from my own experience, and has morphed into this production, which I hope celebrates life as much as it reminds us of our mortality. We are all guardians of our own bonehouses – the Anglo-Saxon word for body – and may we ever keep them safe and well defended."

The play premieres in Brody Theater on February 19 and runs through February 21 at 8 pm and February 22 at 2 pm. Free admission